Cricket hid a special message for you in her artwork. Follow the clues to find your message.
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Answer each riddle correctly to see a picture in which Cricket has hidden your secret message. Answer each riddle and find each piece of your hidden message, and receive your Smack Dab in the Middle of Clue Finding Badge.
You hear my song from meadow and shoulder
I can leap three feet or nestle in closer
I can easily hide in a pocket or a sleeve
Let me help you find the treasure you seek
Your Answer:
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Digging and bounding are what I do best
Share with me some Whitman so I can rest
I contain multitudes: I am many things
Don't underestimate the help I can bring
Your Answer:
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My fan-shaped leaves turn yellow in fall
But no matter the season, I stand tall
With arms toward the sun, and strong as can be
I can easily hold up a house made for a tree