Explore Cricket’s World


For information about Walter Anderson:

The Walter Anderson Museum of Art

The Art of Walter Anderson, edited by Patricia Pinson

Birds, by Walter Anderson and Mary Anderson Pickard

Fortune’s Favorite Child: The Uneasy Life of Walter Anderson, by Christopher Maurer

The Secret World of Walter Anderson, by Hester Bass

The Mississippi Museum of Art


For information about mental illness and resources:



Take the StigmaFree Pledge!


For information about birds:


The Cornell Lab of Ornithology


For information about Leonardo da Vinci:

Leonardo da Vinci and his life


For information about Emily Dickinson:

Emily Dickinson, her poems, and her life


For information about Walt Whitman:

Walt Whitman and his life


Additional resources I used in writing the book:

To build my skills in wilderness self-reliance, I studied with the generous and knowledgeable Alex Garcia of Earthskills, LLC.




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